International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich


Christa Robinson

+41 44 910 89 86
+41 91 780 92 14
[email protected]

Neumarkt 21
8001 Zürich

Rossorino 20
6614 Brissago

Training/Supervising Analyst
Swiss Certified Psychotherapist

Christa Robinson grew up in the vicinity of the Jung family in Küsnacht and therefore had the chance to be trained by the first generation Jungians, starting with Dora Kalff and ending with James Hillman. She worked over 30 years as supervisor in the most different projects and institutions (difficult adolescents, immigrants, drug addicts, woman projects, handicapped people) and 7 years in the biggest male prison of Switzerland. She built her own little house in a forgotten mountain valley, which allowed valuable learning about the deeper levels of the Swiss psyche.

10 years at the Jungian Klinik am Zürichberg as clinical therapist and later supervisor of the staff.

10 years in Eranos, Ticino, 7 years as its president, where she was responsible for providing the material conditions for the I Ching translation and the first concordance into the 4 main European languages, the conferences, the renovation of the houses and gardens. Since 2015, she is member of the IC, ISAP, with different functions. She teaches the use of the Eranos I Ching in connection with Jungian psychology also in China, where she built up a training program for Jungian clinical work in collaboration with the Mercury Center, Nanjing and the support of ISAP.

SGAP diploma, 1980
MA, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHNW), 1972
BA, Kunst und Erziehung, Hochschule für Gestaltung, ZHNW, Zürich 1961

Professional Organizations

Languages Spoken

Age Groups

Treatment Types
Centers/homes for difficult adolescents
Drug stations

I Ching

Lectures and Publications
Treatment of Chronic Psychosis» (a Joint presentation with Tony Frey) at the 1976 International Association for Analytical Psycology (IAAP) Congress in Rome, and later published in the Journal of Analytical Psychology.

«The Red Velvet Curtain or: How Prospective Psychotherapists Might Imagine their Work and How It Really Is» GORGO, pp. 81-84, Volume 11, 1986.

«King Olaf and the Hen: Harsh Lights on a Failure» GORGO, pp. 73-787, volume 13, 1987.

«Hearing a similar Voice: An «Interview with Christa Robinson» in Robert S. Henderson, Living with Jung»

«Interviews» with Jungian Analysts, Vol. 3 (New Orleans, LA: Spring Journal Books, 2009)

«Images of Archetypal Forces: An «Interview» with Christa Robinson About the I Ching,» Robert S. Henderson, Jung Journal» Culture and Psyche, Vol. 4, NO. 2, Spring 2010.

3 articles in China on I Ching, Trauma and I Ching, Cultural Differences.

«Interview mit Christa Robinson», geführt von Prof. Dr. Carl-Hermann Hempen und Dr. Ute Engelhardt in: Organ der SMS, Societas Medicinae Sinensis, Internationale Gesellschaft für Chinesische Medizin e.V. und der SACAM, Schweizerische Ärztegesellschaft für Akupunktur - Chinesische Medizin - Aurikulomedizin. Springer Medizin, Heft 04/2016, S. 228ff.