International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich

Full-time Training

Jungian analysis has been proven effective in treating psychic disturbances, life crises as well as helping those seeking a deeper meaning in life. The focus lies in the process of individuation – fulfilling the uniqueness of one’s personality – so that psyche and lived life come into harmony.

The students at ISAPZURICH become skilled in the classical concepts and attitudes of C.G. Jung, including:

  • Access to the unconscious and its potential for transformation
  • The understanding of complexes, archetypes and symbols appearing in dreams, fairy tales, myths and imagination.
  • Further fields of knowledge investigating psychic life, such as the Word Association Experiment, typology, sand play, alchemy, philosophy, ethnology and religion.
  • The relevance of neuroscience, working with trauma, psychoanalysis, developmental psychology, imagination, dream analysis, bodywork and psychiatry to individuation.
An essential part of the program is personal and requires experience of the unconscious in a training analysis and the development the personality through the individuation process. This aspect of the training is invaluable for the analytic profession as well as for all of life.

The training program takes place in Zurich where Jung lived and his work evolved. Students may visit the Psychology Club, the archives of the ETH, ”Burghölzli”, his house in Küsnacht, the tower in Bollingen, and other places where his spirit can be felt and experienced.

International Program

The completion of the International Training program at ISAP results in a diploma in Analytical Psychology, which is recognized by the International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAAP). The IAAP is the international umbrella organization of Jungian Analysts. ISAP is the training institute of the Zurich-domiciled, International Association of Graduates in Analytical Psychology (AGAP), which is a co-founding group member of the IAAP with training privileges.

ISAPZURICH students may choose from a large number of experienced and internationally well-known training analysts, all steeped and trained in the Zurich-immersion tradition. Courses are offered in English and German, and training analysis and supervision are offered in many other languages as well. Students and training analysts come from over 20 foreign countries and from a wide variety of backgrounds. This contributes to a unique and culturally rich experience, only available at ISAP.

ISAPZURICH offers two variations of International Training, Full Residence, in which all aspects of training are completed in Zurich, and Part Residence, in which the first half of the program is completed in Zurich and the second half at home with only partial presence in Zurich.

For more details on the International Training program please click here.
For tuition and fees please click here.