International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich

Tuition & Fees

Tuition per Semester

Training Candidate

CHF 3200

Diploma Candidate

CHF 3000

Matriculated Auditor

CHF 2700

Candidate on Leave of Absence

CHF 1400

Matriculated Auditor on Leave of Absence

CHF 500


Propaedeuticum Exams

CHF 1400

Diploma Exams & Thesis Discussion

CHF 3000

Continuing Education Exam & Certificate

CHF 500

Postponement, per Exam

CHF 150

Repeated Case Exam

CHF 550

All Other Repeated Exams

CHF 200

Other Fees

Application for Studies

CHF 300

Postponed Start of Studies

CHF 150

Interviews (per Interview)

CHF 150

Tuition fees include membership dues for the Student Association. If you prefer not to be a member, subtract CHF 25.-

Fees for control case colloquium are not included.

How to Pay

Please see our Payment Page for details on making payments.