International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich


Research Circle ISAP

The research circle collects information about new research publications, current developments, conceptualizations, experiences and applications in the fields of psychotherapy, psychiatry, analytical psychology, and presents selected concepts in regular meetings, once a semester. All ISAP participants are invited to attend the meetings of the research circle. It provides information, allows exchange and discussion, and may help expand the range of courses offered in the Program.

Research coordinator is Christiana Ludwig.
Suggestions for topics for the Research Circle to: [email protected]

Internationales Netzwerk Forschung und Entwicklung in der Analytischen Psychologie Dreiländergruppe

The purpose of the association is the continuous discourse on research in Analytical Psychology (AP). The focus is on quantitative and qualitative projects as well as individual case studies and theoretical work in the field of psychotherapy and its connection to cultural studies. INFAP3 offers researchers and institutions of the AP in the three countries (D, Ö, CH), support in terms of content and - if necessary - research logistics and personnel for corresponding research projects.

Additional Information:

ForschungsFörderVerein Analytische Psychologie – FoFöV
(ResearchFundingAssociation Analytical Psychology – FoFöV)

The association supports research projects with financial contributions, to prove the psychotherapeutic effectiveness of Analytical Psychology.
Applications must be submitted to:

ResearchFosterAssociation Analytical Psychology
c/o C.G.Jung-Ambulatorium, Arosastrasse 4, 8006 Zurich

For further information, e.g. on application conditions and procedures:
Christiana Ludwig, research coordinator ISAP and board member FoFöV, [email protected]

Picture Collection

The ISAPZURICH Picture Collection is a collection and database of materials from clients who have been in analysis with a therapist or analyst trained in the tradition of C.G. Jung's analytical psychology. It is being developed in acknowledgement of the historical, research, and clinical value of pictures and picture series (and their respective data) created by Jungian analysts and their clients as part of the therapeutic process. Contributors are anonymous.

More details at the main Picture Collection webpage in the Library section.