The lack of meaning in life is a soul-sickness whose full extent and full import our age has not as yet begun to comprehend.
When I started out in life, I wanted to understand how the real world functioned, so I studied physics. This got me into computers and telecommunications. Many years later I wanted to get out from behind the screen and understand how people functioned. So I studied Jung.
My current passion: the collective unconscious.
In these casual talks each semester, ISAP analysts offer glimpses
into their personal approaches to Jungian analysis. (For ISAP students, not credited for training.)
This event is on-site only!
Thursday, 25 April 2024
Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zurich
Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof
Payment in cash at the door
General Entry: CHF 30
Students & Over 65: CHF 20
Refugees attending on-site: CHF 10 (proof of official refugee status must be shown on-site for discount)
Gratis for ISAP Students and Analysts
(For ISAP students, not credited for training.)