Internationales Seminar für Analytische Psychologie

Zeitschriften in der ISAP-Bibliothek

Aktuelle Abonnements:

Analytische Psychologie: Zeitschrift für analytische Psychologie (ZAP). Band 1-present (all issues)

Harvest. v. 30, 34, 36, 38 and 52 no. 2 (1984-2006), 2015-present

International Journal of Jungian Studies. v. 1 (2009), 2021-present

Journal of Analytical Psychology (JAP). Volume 1-present, and electronic access (in the library) from 2018

Jung Journal (Forum für Analytische Psychologie). Heft 8 (Sept. 2002), 11/12 (Juli 2004), 18 (Sept. 2007), Heft 19/20 (Sept. 2008)-Heft 26 (Aug. 2011), Heft 29 (Feb. 2013)-Heft 32 (Sept. 2014), Heft 37 (März 2017)-Heft 44 (Okt. 2020)

Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche. v. 1:1,2, v. 2:2, v. 3:1-2, v. 5:3, v. 6:3, v.11:2, v. 11:4, v. 12:1- v. 13:2, v. 14:1-v. 14:3 (2007-2020) (online access to all issues past and present)

Psychological Perspectives. 23-35 (1990-97) + 42/2001, 43/2002, 44/2002, 48/2005, v. 62:1-v. 63:2 (online access to all issues past and present)

Frühere Ausgaben: Wir haben nicht alle Ausgaben dieser Zeitschriften, aber einige:

Cahiers Jungiens de Psychanalyse. 100, 107, 108, 110 (2001-04) + Index

Gorgo. Hft. 9-24 (1985-93) + Sonderdruck (94), 38/2000

International Journal of Psychotherapy. v. 15 no. 1 - v. 17 no. 1 (2011-2013)

Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice. v. 1 fall – v. 7 no. 2, v. 9 No. 1 (1999-2007)

Journal of Sandplay Therapy. Various issues from 2001-2012

Jungiana (Reihe A). Bd. 1-15 and 17 & 20 (1989-2009)

Parabola. Issues from 1984, 2004-2009.

Psyche. 1975: 3, 10, 1977:5

Quadrant. Issues from 1970/71 – 2008, but some are missing

San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal. Vol. 1 No. 4 – Vol. 24 No. 2 (93) (1980-2005)

Sphinx. Vols. 1 (1988), 3 (1990), 4 (1992)

Spring. 1960-65, 1967, 1970-2002, 2004-2015.