Internationales Seminar für Analytische Psychologie

Partner Programs

ISAPZURICH is involved in a variety of partnerships and offers unique opportunities for you or your group to visit our Zurich campus, as a Guest Student training at another IAAP training, as a candidate at The Association of Jungian Analysts, Japan (AJAJ), as a therapist at the Mercury Center in Nanjing, China, as a graduate of Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) in Ireland, or for Personalized Block Courses, designed for groups on an individual basis.

Guest Students

You are invited to come as a Guest Student to ISAPZURICH from another IAAP training program, including the Router Program, and choose from our rich program what you desire. To augment your training, you can come to ISAP and become skilled in the classical concepts and attitudes of Analytical Psychology, particularly in the understanding of complexes, archetypes and symbols appearing in dreams, fairy tales, myths and imagination. You will be at the source where Jung lived and his work evolved. Students may visit the Psychology Club, the archives of the ETH, ”Burghölzli” University Psychiatric Clinic, his house in Küsnacht, the tower in Bollingen, and other places where his Genius Loci resides. Finally, you will be enriching your training to become a Jungian Analyst with the experience from another training institute, one which offers a full time (two 14-week semesters per year) training. More information can be found by clicking the link below.

Guidelines for Guest Students
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EN Guest Students 20200616 pdf 0644 2020111202075912-Nov-2020 02:07 2020111202075912-Nov-2020 02:07 239 KB Preview Download
OLD ISAP Richtlinien fur Gaststudierende 2014 d pdf 0644 2020041505190815-Apr-2020 05:19 2020041505190815-Apr-2020 05:19 100 KB Preview Download

The Association of Jungian Analysts, Japan (AJAJ)

ISAP offers a Training Candidacy Cooperative (TCC) under which candidates, accepted at another IAAP training institute, can participate in semesters at ISAP up to and including completion of the Propaedeuticum Exams. The Association of Jungian Analysts, Japan (AJAJ) began training in 2002 and by agreement between ISAPZURICH and AJAJ, AJAJ candidates accepted in the TCC may formally remain candidates of AJAJ while completing the Propaedeuticum Exams at ISAPZURICH. More information can be found by clicking the link below.

Training Regulations in Cooperation with AJAJ
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EN Regs AJAJ 20200515 pdf 0644 2020051504465815-May-2020 04:46 2020051504465815-May-2020 04:46 208 KB Preview Download

Mercury Center (MC) - Nanjing, China

In cooperation with the Mercury Center (MC) a well-known psychotherapy training institution in Nanjing, ISAPZURICH offers regular analysis, teaching and supervision to MC students to deepen their knowledge of the fundamentals of Analytical Psychology and its application in the context of Chinese culture and clinical practice there. These offerings are made both in Nanjing and in Zurich. When MC students successfully complete the MC/ISAP three-year course of study their work may be credited in line with the Certificate in Fundamentals of Analytical Psychology, should they wish to apply for and be accepted in to, ISAP’s International Diploma program. For further details contact the ISAP Program Director at [email protected].

Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT) - Ireland

A cooperative agreement between ISAPZURICH and LIT has been arranged for students in LIT’s Master of Arts degree program (90 ECTS credits). For LIT graduates from the Art, Psyche and the Creative Imagination Masters program who are interested in coming to ISAPZURICH for the International Diploma program to become Jungian analysts, ISAP will grant 25 double hours credit (50 class hours) toward hours of course work required for the Diploma program, provided that the student is accepted into the Diploma Program by the ISAP Admissions Committee. Credit for other course work may be possible based on individual application and subject to approval by the Director of Admissions. For further details contact ISAP’s Director of Admissions at [email protected].

Personalized Block Courses

In response to requests from outside groups to visit ISAP for blocks of time and specific course work, we have the possibility to create Personalized Block Courses (PBC). These courses run anywhere from two days to three weeks and offer three double hours of instruction per day on the topics of the group’s choice. Pricing is CHF 200 per person per day based on a minimum group size of 20. For more details contact the ISAP President at [email protected] or ISAP Program Director at [email protected].