Internationales Seminar für Analytische Psychologie

ISAPZURICH Picture Collection


The ISAPZURICH Picture Collection is a collection and database of materials from clients who have been in analysis with a therapist or analyst trained in the tradition of C.G. Jung's analytical psychology. It is being developed in acknowledgement of the historical, research, and clinical value of pictures and picture series (and their respective data) created by Jungian analysts and their clients as part of the therapeutic process. Contributors are anonymous.


Your Donation of Pictures

We would like to encourage you to help the Picture Collection grow by donating pictures from completed analyses. If you would like to donate images to ISAP, our archivist will be happy to assist you. She will clarify the anonymization and confidentiality and how the images may be brought to ISAP and will record any information you have about the painter and the images.
We also ask you to consider bequeathing pictures by naming the ISAP Picture Collection as a beneficiary in your will. Above all, we hope to have aroused your interest and to inspire you to contribute to this important project.
Our aim, in addition to keeping and protecting the artistic creations in both material and electronic form, is to make this valuable material available to ISAPZURICH analysts and students for learning, teaching and research purposes. The pictures provide both students and analysts with examples of individual symbols, soul creativity, and representations of the individuation process. The collection will help to solidify and illuminate the therapeutic significance of creative work in psychotherapy. Students are encouraged to use the database for their research and to illustrate seminar papers, theses, and lectures (as permitted by donors) for educational purposes. Users can view and search through the digitized images during ISAPZURICH library hours.
The electronic catalogue is currently being developed by the archivist and is regularly reviewed by the Picture Collection Team. The archivist is in charge of photographing and digitizing the images.


The Picture Collection, supported by ISAPZURICH and its Picture Department, is coordinated by (L to R) Kathrin Schaeppi, Paul Brutsche, Barbara Jarrett and Carol McGinty (archivist). An anonymous donation from a private source makes it possible to cover the costs of equipment and staff.


If you are interested in viewing existing images or in donating images to the ISAPZURICH Picture Collection, please contact the archivist for an appointment at: [email protected] or [email protected]