International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich


Margot Estabrook Stienstra, lic.phil

+41 43 540 90 48
[email protected]

Training Analyst
Swiss Certified Psychotherapist

Whatever your current frame of mind, I’ll meet you in that first courageous step, accompanying you as you seek a more centered, life-affirming state of being. I offer presence and deep listening, welcoming you to receptive space where you can hear yourself think and be met with support in whatever you may be feeling. Together we can identify strategies for managing your particular situation while honouring deeper resources within yourself.

Join me in an exploratory session, free of charge, for me to listen, and to summarize the spectrum of psychotherapeutic offerings as context for Jungian psychotherapy / analysis that most deeply informs my practice, so you can decide what is right for you. If need be, I can refer further, as most important is for you to find the right person with whom to entrust your journey. Financial considerations can be openly discussed.

I've worked in Europe, Asia, and my native U.S., as educator (literature, writing, ethics) and therapist, and with a Masters in International Management guided M.B.A. students to deeper self-awareness in preparation for taking on higher level leadership. In private practice, clients from a range of cultural backgrounds have successfully worked through pressing personal quandaries, including: stage-of-life or sense of identity; self-acceptance / appreciation; relationships; traumatic experience; and the search for deeper meaning and fulfillment. In times of distress or questing, problem-solving or withstanding the demands of creative waiting, I hold sacred the privilege of confidential collaboration, eliciting together and navigating your way forward.

Formal Education / Training
Training Analyst (TA) 2023; (w/ Supervision Training via ISAPURICH, 2024
Diploma in Analytical Psychology, 2014, ISAPZURICH (CH); Psychotherapist via Charta / Krems U., M.A. equivalency, licensed Canton Zürich;
Diploma Thesis: Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt - Exploring the archetypal interface between two modalities of healing: CBT and Jungian analytical psychology

M.I.M. 1985 Thunderbird School of International Management (now ASU); w/ studies at Schiller International U., Heidelberg
B.A. 1978 Yale College, History, the Arts & Letters, w/ supplementary study in history of Chinese thought, in translation; Hampshire College (Classical Greek, Chinese and Indian thought, in translation)

Professional Development:

  • Trauma Research Foundation’s Certificate in Traumatic Stress, B. v.d. Kolk / PESI online, year+long in process)
  • ATSIP - Assessing and Treating Sex Issues In Psychotherapy, Level 1
  • DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) certificate, via Praxis online, Oakland CA, USA
  • Certificate in Ecopsychology, Pacifica University Retreat Center, CA, USA
  • 21 Day Racial Equity Indigenous Challenge, Pilgrims Landing, Chatham, MA, USA
  • Soul Craft Introduction, and Wild Mind Intensive, Animas Valley Institute, CO, USA
  • Multiple online trainings in shamanic practices, two+ years
  • Coursework via The Shift Network (inter-generational trauma / healing; Tantric meditation modes of consciousness; shamanic practice)
  • Cape Cod Institute (MA): Course Assistant for R. Schwartz (IFS); B. van der Kolk (Frontiers of Trauma Treatment); J. Kort (LGBT and Questioning Clients…); R. Naiman (sleep and role of the unconscious)
  • Individuation in sexual development (CH)
Professional and Other Organizations

Languages Spoken
German (B2)
Dutch (B1)
Basic French; some familiarity w/ Mandarin and Japanese

Age Groups
Young Adults from age 17

Special Interests:
From change to growth, transitions / individuation; Identity (stage of life, gender, role in society);
Eco-psychology (finding embodied, ensouled relationship w/in concentric ecosystems); eco-spirituality (restoring relationship to the sacred in internal /external ecosystems); archetypal image of the Medicine Wheel

Lectures, Open Seminars, Seminars, etc.
  • For AGAP Forum, 9.2024: Easing the Ego, Suppling the Self, Settling the Soul (Denial as defense in the collective)
  • Self Cultivation and Cultivation of the Self: Intersecting Planes- Confucius, Chuang Tzu, and C.G. Jung (pending)
  • Enigma (on transitional spaces in parables and in the analytic dyad)
  • Jung on Ethics
  • “To be or not to be,” and how? Individuation (or not) in Shakespeare’s Hamlet
  • Jung on Nature- and Implications for Culture (ISAPZURICH)
  • Living a Symbolic Life- Finding Your Personal Myth (w/ K. Schaeppi, ISAPZURICH)
  • Exploring Excerpts from Jung on The Spirit in Man, Art and Literature (ISAPZURICH)
  • Jung on Education and Contemporary Implications (ISAPZURICH)
  • Explorations and Reflections on the Nature of Meaning (ISAPZURICH)
  • Risking Incarnation: Exploring Identity Formation and Ego-Stabilization (ISAPZURICH)
  • For Mercury Center, Nanjing, China: Fundamentals of Jungian Psychology; On the Nature of Symbols; “Reading” the World: Discerning motifs -and constructive response- in the current collective shadow
  • For Pilgrims Landing, MA, USA: Workshops on the I Ching ; Jung’s The Undiscovered Self,
  • For Brewster Ladies Library, Brewster, MA, USA: (Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451; Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman)
  • For WOMR Community Radio, Provincetown, MA, USA: Chattin’ up with Lady Di – How Jung’s expression of anima / animus can inform gender identity