We will journey through the psyche, meeting such phenomena as ego, Self, complexes, archetypes, persona, shadow and many more. In this process we will familiarise ourselves with the major themes and concepts of Analytical Psychology.
This seminar aims to explore psychological themes through the visual narrative structures of selected films. We will focus on a rather common theme in therapy: anxiety. We will use three films to discuss the personal and archetypal patterns of anxiety as seen through the eye of the camera.
The films will be shown at ISAP and will be followed by a discussion led by the presenters. We wish to provide the opportunity of the collective experience of viewing a film together followed by the chance to share ideas and impressions.
ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
The lecture will be related to Chiara Tozzi’s research on Active Imagination and the resulting book published by Routledge. On the first day the lecture will focus predominantly on Active Imagination theory, practice and training. On the second day the lecture will focus on different fields related to Active Imagination, with special reference to Active Imagination and film language.
Complementarity is a key principle of life, creativity, healing and peace. It means teaming up with an utterly other—be it sexual, political or even unconscious. As diversity is the lot of the manifest world and unity rather a transcendent principle, wholeness requires the utmost individual effort to unite opposites. It requires a great deal of respect for the other while consciously limiting oneself. Our fragmented and polarized world would profit from concentration on and orientation to this life principle. With examples from biology, psychology (individuation, alchemy, gender), politics (war, democracy) and dance.
I will give an introduction to the practice of Authentic Movement, which is a form of Active Imagination. I will introduce body work to create a safe environment in which exercises in body awareness, emotional awareness and kinesthetic communication can take place. The theory will also be explained. Authentic Movement explores the inner-directed movement as a way to bridge the realms of conscious and unconscious experience.
Participants are requested to wear comfortable clothes, to take off their shoes before entering the room, to bring anti-slip socks, paper and a pen.
14 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
Prerequisite is attendance at one of my past experiential seminars in Authentic Movement or attendance at the Introduction to Authentic Movement Seminar 01 52. This seminar will be dedicated to the practice of Authentic Movement, which is a form of Active Imagination. The relationship between consciousness and the unconscious can be explored through the spontaneous and self-directed expression of the body in movement.
Participants are requested to wear comfortable clothes, to take off their shoes before entering the room and to bring anti-slip socks, paper and a pen.
14 Training and Diploma Candidates
“Soul” is a familiar word for Jungians. In spite of this, the notion tends to remain somewhat vague. Using a mythological figure as its archetypal foundation, this lecture aims to contribute to our understanding of soul as a specific psychological entity.
Concepts of Analytical Psychology will be explored and applied to one of Jung’s dreams from Memories, Dreams, Reflections.
The best way to understand the sometimes confusing and controversial concept of the animus is to look at what the male figures in dreams—from baby boys to old men—may be depicting. For simplicity’s sake we will focus on male figures in the dreams of women; it can, however, be argued that men’s psyches are also inhabited by the autonomous animus that Jung described.
As a natural scientist and a Jungian Analyst, I show how the evolution of our biology and our psyche can reveal what male means in dreams. We will then be able to recognize the tremendous value of the concept of the animus.
This lecture will present an overview of the unique nature of childbearing loss and the parents’ ensuing search for meaning. Based on the dreams of parents gathered while I was a consultant to the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Center in Minnesota, this lecture will outline mourning within the context of Neumann’s “archetype of the way”. I will explore how dreams of the lost child enhance the full expression of grief by maintaining an emotional connection between the parents and the child throughout the intermediate realm of the “Here and the Hereafter”.
I will interpret a series of helpful and consoling dreams of a woman during her final year of life.
The lecture will explore how modern cognitive research on dreams as simulations can be compared with Jungian dream theory. I will be discussing research on dreaming in rats and birds as well as the use of simulation games for practicing high risk undertakings. I will also be looking at human dreams that challenge our ability to deal with awkward social situations; such dreams help us expand our repertoire of coping strategies.
Dreams can not only help us find solutions to complex problems, they can also offer solutions to simpler problems. Their seemingly chaotic messages provide us with challenges that actually help us learn to deal with chaos and, therefore, to become more creative.
After introductory information on dreams, we will practice interpreting dreams in small groups followed by discussion in the large group. The dreams examined are from published sources.
Training and Diploma Candidates
Groups will write fairy tale interpretations together and present them in class.
Required reading:
M.L. von Franz: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Fairy Tales
Max Lüthi: Once Upon a Time: On the Nature of Fairy Tales
16 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
In this lecture the fairy tale “Allerleirauh” about the incestuous wishes of a king towards his daughter is interpreted. What does incest mean symbolically and psychologically? What can this fairy tale tell us about how a woman can deal with incest or incestuous wishes from her father? How can a daughter with a negative father complex free herself? How can the archetypal feminine (Eros principle) be developed in a society dominated by the archetypal masculine (Logos principle)?
Drawing from experience and casework, I explore the instinctual/biological basis of the Feminine. The fact that she is seen as both nurturing and destructive indicates that her manifestation as a killing force has a purpose: to push toward consciousness. An introduction to fairy tales highlights the archetypal basis of transformation; links to real-life experiences show how these processes manifest today. This lecture aims to deepen our understanding of what Jung meant by the feminine archetype, emphasizing her connection to the body and her instinctual roots while encouraging active participation in order to bring the content to life.
The purpose of the Picture Collection is the creation of an anonymized material collection and database of pictures from clients who have been in analysis with a therapist or analyst trained in the tradition of C.G. Jung’s Analytical Psychology. We have secured this artistic material in order to make it available to ISAPZURICH analysts and students for the purposes of learning, teaching and research.
Starting with wide movements of the brush, we try to let the picture guide us. In this way we allow unconscious elements to unravel and express themselves while also dealing with the interference of our ego consciousness. The course is an introduction to art work in psychotherapy. Please bring your own brushes and paints (gouache only!)
Location: Atelier Ruth Bourgogne, Badenerstrasse 173, 8003 Zurich
Fee for room rental: CHF 48 (total)
8 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
In this course we will be studying color symbolism through the paintings of various analysands.
This is part 2 of the “How Humans Mourn” series. This class will survey a variety of cultural influences and their effects on the experiences of mourning and bereavement. This course will help students apply ethnological concepts to human behavior.
18 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
I will be examining Valaisan folk tales about the dead from a psychological and an ethnological point of view. The folk tales are from a very rich body of Valaisan legends.
All students will be asked to give a presentation on a cultural complex; this will be followed by a general discussion in which we share our impressions and experiences. It will be interesting to see the similarities and differences in the ways in which basic complexes constellate in diverse cultures. The presentation can be based on original material or on an exam already taken on cultural complexes.
This is the same seminar as in last semester, given now for those who could not participate at that time.
8 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
When we ignore the emotional impact of our behavior on others, we can deeply wound them. If this emotional injury is not processed, it can be projected and acted out. We will examine cases in Greek drama of explosive rage and retaliation. We will ask what reparations might have been made. What role does culture play? How may we heal from relational wounds?
How did early humans experience the origin of consciousness – or at least the prerequisites for it? I propose to explore this issue by having a closer look at rock art in connection with hunters and hunting. By using slides and videos as well as stories and myths, I will try to shed some light on the crucial importance of rock art regarding that extraordinary turning point in the evolution of the hominids: the origin of consciousness and the emergence of humans as the “symbolic species”.
This experiential course is open to students who want to meet or deepen their experience with the age old text of the I Ching; the text reflects the interplay of the archetypes in a clear, systematic manner.
8 Training and Diploma Candidates
In E.A. Poe’s short story “A Descent into the Maelström” (1841) three fishermen are trapped in a gigantic ocean whirlpool that is threatening to destroy them. This strikes me as a suitable image for our ecological crisis. According to Jung, modern materialistic collective consciousness has lost its spiritual foundation. Building on Erich Neumann and Dorothee Sölle, I examine approaches toward a more mystical relationship with nature. Symbolically, Poe’s story tells us that psychic transformation of the collective can be achieved by letting go of the old and embracing the new and unknown.
I will examine the human defence of denial through a series of lenses in the body-mind referring to evidence- based, neuroscientific, somatic, and depth psychological approaches (including the roles of the Ego-Self, the Sacred Feminine, the Psychoid, and the Soul). We will try to better understand what is happening in the body-mind when the defence instinct arises, appearing as a complex. I will be referring to Jung, Neumann, Krieger, selected trauma specialists, Bedford-Ulanov, L. Stein, Vaughan-Lee, Canty and Hübl.
15 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
This is the first part of the required seminar in the Word Association Experiment. We will present the history, theory and practice of the WAE in preparation for your work with a client.
Studierende, die das A.E. Seminar auf Deutsch absolvieren möchten, melden sich bitte bei: Katharina Casanova ([email protected]).
ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
Through literature, art, myth, fairy tale, dream and case material, the lectures will explore the dynamics and the archetypal web of destructive and facilitating complexity.
Seminar on lecture.
Through literature, art, myth, fairy tale, dream and case material, the lectures will explore the dynamics and the archetypal web of destructive and facilitating complexity.
ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
Participants will have the opportunity to explore their own shadow aspects, individually and within their couples (personal or analytical). We want to gain insight into shadow work as part of soul searching.
16 Training and Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
First lecture: on political consciousness, psychopolitical healing and conspiracy theories. How does the Jungian theory of complexes explain the stability of oppressive political regimes? What does Jung’s study of flying saucers tell us about the recent proliferation of conspiracy theories?
Second lecture: on fanaticism and societal polarization. Jung viewed fanaticism as resulting from the repression of secret doubts about one’s political or religious “truths.” How can this insight help us to understand populism, the life cycle of fanatical Islamists and societal polarization?
Considering how much living in our modern world is impacting the increase in problems with anxiety we will be exploring that theme.
The emphasis will be on what Analytical Psychology has contributed and continues to contribute to a better understanding of anxiety.
15 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
We will look at some case vignettes from the point of view of various schools of depth psychology. We will compare their concepts of the unconscious and their approaches to its manifestations in dreams and symptoms.
This is basically the same course as in spring 2024.
14 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
Using paintings of psychiatric inpatients. Working with ICD-10 and ICD-11.
Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
This seminar will be directed towards readings from the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual 2, with the goal of sharpening our thinking about assessment, diagnosis and therapy with our analysands. The readings will be provided by the instructor.
This class will focus on an introduction to the PDM 2, on psychosis, delusional disorders and personality disorders with an emphasis on the subjective experiences of each disorder.
18 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
We will use video interviews and clinical vignettes to learn how psychiatric disorders can manifest and be described.
ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
We will be finding our own myths by practicing Active Imagination. We will then create an object as a symbol for our personal myth. Afterwards we will develop a ritual in order to honor this symbol.
Material will be at your disposal.
Please bring at least one personal object that you want to include in the process.
Costs: CHF 10 for material
Location: Adetswilerstrasse 3A, 8344 Bäretswil
8 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
The method of Active Imagination that Jung practiced in his Red Book is introduced using elements from Michael Harner’s core shamanism; the latter is similar to Jung’s Active Imagination. This allows participants to discover and enter into relationship with a rich inner spiritual world, with its landscapes and helpful figures, such as animals and teachers. (Students who have not attended the same course in autumn 2023 will be given priority.)
10 Training and Diploma Candidates
In 1940 Jung stated that, “...alchemy [strives] to help a psychic potentiality hidden in unconscious nature to develop and unfold in the greatest possible way, by working from inside out, removing hinderances to the soul in its striving towards light.” Jung realized our journey to wholeness is mirrored in alchemical substances, colors, and laboratory operations. In this presentation, I use alchemical images to explore specific alchemical stages that allow us to work through “hinderances to the soul.” Emphasis will be on the dimensions of transrational experiences which are important for our healing process.
This approach activates the transcendent function. Images and dreams will be looked at and interpreted from a Jungian perspective.
14 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This introduction explores the theory of the Jungian Analyst Hal Stone on Voice Dialogue. Voice Dialogue makes it possible to express lesser-known parts of ourselves, points of view and opinions or desires in an experimental and playful way. After a review of the theory and method of Voice Dialogue, we will look closely at how it can be of value in Jungian Analysis.
We will playfully allow images and affects to emerge from the unconscious and will explore them, using various modes of Active Imagination. We trust that the insights and energies which come forth will contribute to our journey of healing and individuation. Participants are asked to bring lunch and contribute CHF 15 for the art materials we use.
8 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
There are four factors that must be considered by a therapist/analyst when attempting to gain a clearer understanding of mental illness. These factors are biological, psychological, social and existential/spiritual. Each factor must be considered if we wish to come to a comprehensive understanding of mental illness. However, in this context, I will limit myself to the existential/spiritual and psychological factors.
An important component of psychotherapy/analysis involves helping people deal with their suffering. In this seminar we will discuss the value of discovering the deeper meaning of suffering.
15 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
We will explore the steps of winemaking; examining the psychological symbolism of the steps, we shine light on the origins of wine’s religious significance. By treating the steps of winemaking as alchemical images, winemaking becomes a metaphor and guide to the coniunctio. The aim of this lecture is to present the nature of various alchemical states and operations and to reflect on their relationship to individuation.
Jung’s essay “The Undiscovered Self” (“Gegenwart und Zukunft”), written in the late 1950s, holds insights about the purpose and role of cultivating interiority and a religious attitude in times of political and social turmoil. In this lecture I analyze the text and engage in a discussion of what we can learn about ways of navigating individuation and collective participation in today’s turbulent world.
This lecture will take up content related to transference dreams, the role of dreams in relating to the transference, and the role of dreams and transference in an individual’s development.
What does our narcissism have to do with the shadow within us? The shadow contains the uncomfortable, unaccepted sides in us; thus, confronting the shadow is a difficult process in the work. It is even more delicate to track down the link with narcissistic behaviour. To compensate for the shadow, a person may develop a kind of “negative narcissism.” The lecture will study these connections as well as the difference between positive and negative narcissism.
For Diploma Candidates only. Registration and payment directly with colloquium leader. At least four registrations are required for a colloquium to take place. Colloquia are not shown in the calendar as timing is either unspecified or subject to change. Any changes are the responsibility of the colloquium leader.
Nur für Diplomkandidat/innen. Anmeldung und Bezahlung direkt bei der Kolloquiumsleitung. Mindestens vier Anmeldungen sind erforderlich, damit ein Kolloquium stattfinden kann. Kolloquien werden nicht im Kalender aufgeführt, da die genauenTermine noch offen bzw. Änderungen vorbehalten sind. Alle Änderungen unterliegen der Verantwortung der Kolloquiumsleitung.
This case colloquium will focus on psychiatric cases: structural versus neurotic disturbances, severe personality disorders as well as on students’ particular interests and questions.
The dates are defined at the first meeting on Monday 24 February at 17:00.
Location: Stampfenbachstrasse 123, 8006 Zürich
Registration: [email protected]
8 Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
Weekly meetings at ISAP. At the first meeting, dates for the semester will be arranged for mutually agreed upon times.
Registration: [email protected]
6 Diploma Candidates
We will focus on the dynamics of the relationship and the underlying projections in the transference and the countertransference.
Location: Stampfenbachstrasse 123, 8006 Zurich, 4th floor
Registration: [email protected]
7 Diploma Candidates
The participants are invited to experience the Balint intervision method.
Location: Steinbrüchelstrasse 64, 8053 Zürich
Registration: +41 (0)44 383 13 63, [email protected]
6 Diploma Candidates
This colloquium will focus on non-verbal communication and transference dynamics.
Location: Rietstrasse 3, 8712 Stäfa
Registration: [email protected]
6 Diploma Candidates
This is a case colloquium with emphasis on dreams, especially religious dreams.
Registration: [email protected]
8 Diploma Candidates
See the Training Regulations for the detailed provisions: Candidates have the possibility to count a minimum of 20 hours and maximum 30 hours of separate and parallel expressive therapy toward their regular training analysis, provided that both the Training Analyst and the analyst for expressive therapy are informed. All credited hours must be completed with only one of the analysts and with one type of expressive therapy, as listed below. Expressive Therapy courses are not shown in the calendar as timing is either unspecified or subject to change. Any changes are the responsibility of the Expressive Therapy leader.
Für die detaillierten Bestimmungen siehe das Ausbildungsregulativ Kandidat/innen können sich minimal 20 bis maximal 30 Stunden separater und paralleler Ausdruckstherapie auf die reguläre Lehranalyse anrechnen lassen, vorausgesetzt dass sowohl der/die Lehranalytiker/in als auch der/die Analytiker/in für Ausdruckstherapie informiert sind. Alle angerechneten Stunden dürfen nur bei einem/r der unten aufgeführten Analytiker/innen und Therapieformen absolviert werden. Kurse in Ausdruckstherapie werden nicht im Kalender aufgeführt, da die genauen Termine noch offen bzw. Änderungen vorbehalten sind. Alle Änderungen unterliegen der Verantwortung der Ausdruckstherapie-Leitung.
In this experiential seminar the participants—working in pairs—will be able to practice this very rewarding emotional approach to the psyche. I like to call it analysis without words. Maximum 8 participants. All must be in analysis.
Registration: [email protected]
8 Training and Diploma Candidates
Maria Anna Bernasconi
Expressive Arts Therapy (ISIS)
Kunst- und Ausdrucksorientierte Psychotherapie (ISIS)
Marco Della Chiesa
Verena Osterwalder-Bollag
Therapeutic Sandplay (D. Kalff)
Therapeutisches Sandspiel nach D. Kalff
Christa Robinson
Group Processes Using the I Ching
Gruppenprozesse mit dem I Ging
Erhard Trittibach
Therapeutic Sandplay (D. Kalff)
Therapeutisches Sandspiel nach D. Kalff
Joanne Wieland-Burston
Active Imagining with Objects
Aktives Imaginieren mit Gegenständen