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After a broad overview of the basic tenets of Analytical Psychology we will look at what is specific to ISAP as an entry point and avenue for studies on the Jungian path, a life- changing endeavour.
Burnout, depression, loneliness, meaninglessness, disorientation, aggression, contempt, lies and deception are haunting humanity.
The Jungian approach of the psyche through dreams and the importance of a caring therapeutical relationship are mirrored in modern science of the ‘social brain’.
This will be a performance reading with musical accompaniment of a selection of passages from Memories, Dreams, Reflections, with Paul Brutsche in the role of Jung speaking about his life as he looks back at the age of 85. With an introduction by Murray Stein. Rodney Waters on the piano.
This lecture explores the vicissitudes of the relationship between the ego and the archetypal Self and how that connection develops during life and within an analysis. Often our deepest fear is taking the path that demands leaving behind what is too small for us. I explore the lived experience of the ego-Self relationship as it unfolds by traversing significant Jungian concepts – Ego, Archetype, Individuation and the Transcendent Function, concluding with comments on the human aspects of Love and Darkness.
The Universal Compass of the (Eranos) I Ching presents the mandala that is the basis of the Chinese culture. Its eight main trigrams with their manifold associations change in three specific ways or cycles that allow precise observations in psychosomatic illnesses, dreams and attitudes, etc. The I Ching and Chinese medicine can complement one another for the benefit of patients.
The report of a seven-year case using acupuncture and traditional medicine that became blocked until the introduction of Jungian concepts. This case shows a way to work through the shadow realm of the unconscious.
Both approaches will be looked at from the attitude of the practitioner’s role in the healing process. Several examples will be given.
Differences between the Eranos and Wilhelm versions of the I Ching will be used to show how this can be used on our clinical practice, ending with a general discussion.
Reading and Discussion for understanding Jung’s ideas
12 ISAP Students
The notion of Archetypes is one of the key ideas of Analytical Psychology. In this lecture the relevance of an archetypical approach in psychotherapy will be explained.
In this seminar we will be examining the meaning and purpose of humankind’s archetypal tendency to create monsters.
10 ISAP Students
This is a guided walking tour of Basel to visit such sites as the Basel Cathedral, two buildings where Jung studied, and the parish in Kleinhüningen where Jung grew up. The tour highlights Jung’s dreams and provides anecdotes from his life as well as some basic information about Basel. The tour ends at Totengässlein at the Pharmaceutical Museum that houses a historical collection of healing methods and two alchemical laboratories. Costs for museum tickets (CHF 8) are the responsibility of the participants. Please wear good walking shoes. Please contact Kathrin Schaeppi by email at [email protected] for more details and to register.
Limited to 15 people
Within the context of actual, short and longer term casework, dreams of analysands will provide examples in discrete and developmental stages. Grounding theory in practice, through relationship of sense, feeling and intuition, a balanced attitude with respect to conditioned one-sidedness of thinking will be promoted.
15 Training and Diploma Candidates
Dreamwork can be practised in groups of non-professional, interested people. In order for it to unfold its full potential, this work needs to hold to some basic rules. The participants learn about this method by working with their own dreams.
12 Diploma Candidates
Presentation of multiple dreams out of the daily work with patients with the possibility for questions and discussion. Focus will be the inner development of the psyche through the growing conscious relation with the Self, the phenomenon of projections and transferential aspects.
15 Training and Diploma Candidates
The course will cover Jung’s theory of dream interpretation, including how to approach the interpretation of a dream, and practice in interpreting dreams.
An exploration of the Grimms’ tale “The Frog Prince, or Iron Henry” and its implications for our own inner courtship with the rejected Other and that of our analysands. Discussion will include objectification, broken promises versus those kept and dismissal and contempt versus engagement.
The Myth of Eros and Psyche is explored from a Jungian perspective through the lens of the psychological dilemmas the motifs represent in the psyche in a shifting patriarchal paradigm and its impact on relationships. The Eros/Psyche constellation will be viewed as the archetypal relatedness between men and women called along the soul’s journey from narcissism to mature Love. Overcoming powerful complexes and transcending narcissism are features of the soul initiated by Love.
The myth of the Minotaur proposes consciousness of limits between the too familiar and the too different. The life and death of the Minotaur can speak to us about humanizing archetypal fields. A case study will be presented, focusing on the fear of otherness and how the resulting paralysis can be transformed within the analytical relationship.
We will first watch the film together. Afterwards we will discuss the individuation process of Dorothy as the heroine having to face the ambivalent shadow figures.
16 Training and Diploma Candidates
The Grimms’ fairy tale “The Goose Girl at the Well” holds the pattern of a woman’s individuation task of integrating feminine and masculine aspects on the journey to wholeness. The fairy tale will be brought into connection with the tasks that many contemporary women face in analysis.
The art process has a natural healing potential. A picture made in or brought into therapy introduces a new presence within the therapeutic relationship. We will examine different kinds of pictures, and discuss the psychic process involved in the making of a picture as well as the role of the therapist.
In the seminar we will look at images of clients expressed in different ways: in dreams, drawings and in sandplay. The process of interpretation and understanding of each image is initiated with the dimension of body response and attunement to it. Traditional picture interpretation methods are then used to complete the understanding.
8 ISAP Students
Pictures have a healing effect. They are symbols with a subjective meaning. One important aspect is the way in which a sense of space is projected on the medium. What emerges is something like a map of the present state of the psyche.
20 ISAP Students
Water connects us with basic experiences in our life – e.g. a well, a river, being under water, diving. The imaginative work with this motif can activate deep layers of the psyche. Research showed that the inner images sometimes lead to prenatal stages. With clinical cases.
16 ISAP Students
Swedish artist Hilma af Klint (1862-1944) and C.G. Jung (1875- 1961) were near contemporaries. By comparing and contrasting Jung’s first mandala sketches and drawings, of Klint’s Swan Series and woodcuts from the Rosarium Philosophorum, the themes of inspiration, archetypal patterns, alchemy, individuation, and Zeitgeist are brought together, inspiring ways of knowing.
Reflections on two pioneering conferences in South Africa (2016, 2018): Jungian analysts meeting indigenous healers on an equal level for a dialogue about common topics such as healing practices, dream interpretation, use of intuition. Videos will be shown.
The word “meaning” is often bandied about, and is an important notion in Jung’s analytical psychology. But what do we mean by it; what is its nature?
The first in a series under this title, this lecture focuses on the understanding of meaning, and the phenomenon of meaning-making, in several cultures and religious traditions. Future offerings under this title will explore meaning and its making through archetypal and neuro-scientific lenses.
Small groups choose an object or ritual from a culture and present in class. We will consider aspects of a symbol paper.
12 ISAP Students
This lecture will look at the ancient and universal traditions regarding the true nature of dreams, which has lost favour with modern man. This view holds that dreams are of divine origin – they are a vital part of life, essential, and a key element in one’s spiritual growth.
Furthermore, this lecture will aim to bring to light historical and contemporary material that will help place spiritual dreaming in its rightful place at the center of the whole subject of dreams.
Please read the paper in CW 12, Psychology and Alchemy, pars. 1-43 and bring a copy of the text to the seminar. The seminar will focus on discussion of the text.
20 ISAP Students
Empathy that comes from understanding what animals “say” about a particular situation is a motif in folk-literature, in Hasidism, and the clinical work of Freud and Jung.
This seminar is intended to help those students who will be presenting their Word Association Experiments later this semester. We will review the steps involved in the evaluation of the data, working with the Excel sheet, and the grouping into complexes.
Diploma Candidates
Presentation of the results of Tina v. Uffelen’s research in Germany: The aim of the study was to compare the results of the Word Association Experiment with the findings from the other measures regarding parallels and differences. All of the measures were applied to a sample of 18 clients who asked for therapy in a community counseling center.
20 ISAP Students
Participants must have attended an introductory seminar and administered the WAE. A draft of the WAE report is to be submitted to the course leaders and fellow participants by 1st Oct. Mutual discussion deepens the experience of each WAE, and allows for revision of the reports.
Studierende, die das A.E. Seminar auf Deutsch absolvieren möchten, mögen sich bitte melden bei: Katharina Casanova, [email protected].
8 Diploma Candidates
We will be looking at the development of the infant’s brain and the implications this has for the formation of attachment and language, two areas critical for future psychological growth.
Children and adolescents are often not acquainted with psychotherapy. In this course an approach to working with children and adolescents will be presented and the basic principals of analytical psychotherapeutic work with children will be related.
Wirkungen des Narzissmus auf die eigene und die seelische Landschaft anderer. Eine tiefenpsychologische Auseinander- setzung mit dem Phänomen Narzissmus.
30 Ausbildungs- und Diplomkandidaten
Personality Disorders (PD) are common and ubiquitous and analytical psychology offers unique insight and often the right container for successful treatment. This seminar will compare ICD and DSM PD categories, teach diagnostic criteria for each PD and look at clinical examples of psychodynamic treatment.
10 Training and Diploma Candidates
This presentation centres on a first session when the analyst experienced an intense erotic countertransference of almost psychotic quality reflected in a fugue state that surpassed any sense of a gradual unfolding empathy.
Several psychoanalytic viewpoints – including Jung’s – will be considered.
This paper will highlight how these perspectives informed the clinical work over a ten year period.
Let’s talk about sexual perversions. What is it about? What do we know? When and why do they develop? How do we handle “sexually perverse” clients? Can we influence them in analysis? We will specifically look into pedophilia, as this is referred to increasingly in the news.
ISAP Students
Based on the book Shaking Woman by the novelist Siri Hustvedt, we will be exploring the phenomena of anxiety and panic attacks. Special attention will be paid to what Jung and current Jungians have to offer to the better understanding of this subject and how frequently it presents itself in our consulting rooms.
15 ISAP Students
An investigation into the history, symptoms and resulting cascade of physical effects set in motion by sustained deep suffering and resulting archaic defenses. Prerequisite for trauma seminar in the same semester.
Please read the trauma classic: J.L. Herman, Trauma and Recovery, 2015.
Erkennen und Dokumentieren psychopathologischer Symptome nach AMPD-System (Nomenklatur, Klassifizierung, Symptome, Schweregrad, Kriterien, klinische Erscheinung, Exploration).
Das Seminar dient auch der Vorbereitung der Propädeutikumsprüfung in Psychopathologie.
Ausbildungs- und Diplomkandidaten
Identifying and documenting of psychopathological symptoms according to AMPD System (terminology, documentation, symptoms, degree, criteria, clinical appearance, exploration).
The seminar may serve toward the preparation for the Propaedeuticum Exam in Psychopathology.
Training and Diploma candidates
We will practice finding images that are the opposite to those of horror visions, meeting inner parts, inner children as referenced in the Psychodynamic Imaginative Trauma Therapy (PITT). Where is PITT close to the concept of C.G. Jung, where not?
Students who have not attended the trauma lecture 10 60 should contact the instructor.
There will be a continuation of the seminar in spring.
12 ISAP Students
In der psychotherapeutischen Grundversorgung arbeitet man häufig mit Menschen, die durch ihre Situation mit Behörden zusammenarbeiten müssen (Sozialhilfeempfänger, für IV-Abklärungen, etc.) und in einem professionellen Umfeld eingebettet sind. Wie gestaltet man Kontakte mit Drittpersonen, damit die Zusammenarbeit aller möglichst fruchtbar wird? Wie geht man klug damit um, ohne die therapeutische Beziehung zu gefährden?
8 Ausbildungs- und Diplomkandidaten
Life presents us with experiences of joy, surprise, and excitement and with challenges, transitions, and ruptures. We will explore how new possibilities for growth may be generated within the psyche, untapped inner resources discovered, and disappointment, pain, and sorrow worked through in the journey of individuation.
How do we distinguish between our true needs and greed? This has become increasingly difficult in a culture that has celebrated excess, the limits of which have now become apparent. What kind of attitude is required to provide an antidote to greed?
What lies hidden, wounded, and dissociated from consciousness resides deep within, often causing problematic issues and symptoms in our lives. In a safe and protected environment, we will play with colored tissue paper, allowing spontaneous images and energies to emerge from the unconscious. Using various modes of active imagination, we will engage with these images, seeking to recover and heal what has been split off and unclaimed in our psyche. Participants are asked to contribute CHF 15 for art materials.
12 ISAP Students
First, the notion of liminality will be approached from a theoretical point of view. Definitions of liminality, its challenges, manifestations and consequences will be discussed. After that, there will be many examples from the presenter’s clinical work.
After the lecture which presented definitions, manifestations and consequences of liminality, the workshop will deal intensely with active imagination. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the notion of liminality through working with clay.
Workshop to the corresponding lecture 11 31
An additional fee for the material (clay) will be CHF 5.
15 ISAP Students
In today’s world we are exposed to a diversity of people, places and cultures that at times seem to overwhelm us. The world is no longer familiar to us, especially if we live in an urban environment. The Stranger, whether a person, place, culture or idea, poses a continual challenge to our sense of identity.
We possess within us a sublime force of immeasurable power, which when handled unconsciously is often detrimental to us. If on the contrary we direct it in a conscious and creative manner, it gives us the mastery of ourselves. Sadly, the vast majority do not fully understand the creative role it plays in everyone’s life. The force of which I speak is the power of our imagination – the creative spark within us, which I refer to as the seeing power of soul.
Using myth to establish the archetypal background, as well as examples from literature, case material, and dreams, we will examine how a Negative Father Complex can impede or block the optimal development of a woman’s sense of Self.
20 ISAP Students
The distinction Jung makes between true and false imagination implies that “true imagination” is efficacious for individuation, while “false imagination” is not. True imagination may afford access, through symbolic expression, to the contents of the collective unconscious. The golden seeds which may be found within the patterns and dynamics of imagination, if heeded, may support movement toward wholeness.
25 ISAP Students
It is rare in the field of psychotherapy for a client to be so open about their experience, therapy being such a personal and intimate encounter and Toni’s account covers both the positive personal growth she experienced, as well as those things she did not like. In this presentation, the reasons Toni sought analysis will be outlined, followed by descriptions of the unfolding process and the way her transference projections revealed unresolved issues arising from her earliest developmental experiences.
Jung, C. G. (1946/1993) “The psychology of the transference”. In The Practice of Psychotherapy (pp. 163- 338). CW 16. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Merchant. J. (2015) “Introduction” to “Forget me not – My journey through Jungian analysis – A case presentation” by Toni Woodward in Psychotherapy and Counselling: Reflections on Practice. Oxford University Press.
Woodward, T. (2015) “Forget me not – My journey through Jungian analysis – A case presentation” in Psychotherapy and Counselling: Reflections on Practice. Oxford University Press.
The seminar is open to all ISAP candidates, including those who have previously attended it. The aim is to give candidates the indispensable tools to create the trustful atmosphere necessary for depth work and to avoid potential problems. The essential issues will be presented in the first part of each seminar session followed by role play in the second part.
10 Training and Diploma Candidates
We will discuss stages in the process of analysis by looking together at sandplay trays and other symbolic material. We will link the experiential observations to psychiatric classifications, when needed.
14 Diploma Candidates
Weekly meetings at ISAP arranged for the semester at our first meeting.
Registration: [email protected]
6 Diploma Candidates
The colloquium will take place in my office: Freiestrasse 120, 8032 Zurich. Please contact me one month prior to the colloquium: [email protected]
10 Diploma Candidates
Location: Klosbachstrasse 116, 8032 Zürich
Tram #3, 8, 15
Tram stop Römerhof
Walk uphill from the tram stop.
[email protected]
+41 (0)79 423 1921
12 Diploma Candidates
Ort (auf jeden Fall in Zürich) wird noch bekanntgegeben. Weitere drei Termine werden mit den Teilnehmenden gemeinsam festgelegt.
+41 (0) 55 442 22 47
+41 (0) 78 815 77 67
[email protected]
6 Diplomkandidaten
The colloquium will take place in my office: Freiestrasse 120, 8032 Zurich. Please contact me one month prior to the colloquium: [email protected]
10 Diploma Candidates
Location: Steinbrüchelstr. 64, 8053 Zürich
+41 (0)44 383 1363
[email protected]
8 Diploma Candidates
Location: Untere Zäune 1, 8001 Zürich
Registration: [email protected]
10 Diploma Candidates
We will discuss pictures made by clients, our immediate reactions, associations and intuitions, and the role of the analytic therapist. The participants are requested to bring clients’ pictures.
Location: ISAP
Registration: [email protected]
12 Diploma Candidates
Using Jung’s Cross-Cousin diagrammed understanding of the transference as a frame, we will look for the twelve relationships in our analytic work.
Location: Rietstrasse 3, 8712 Stäfa
Registration: [email protected]
7 Diploma Candidates
We will look at case psychodynamics also as a reflection of the supervising group dynamics using different playful methods and their symbolic meaning. Sandplay processes are also welcome. The group supervision is also recognized by ISST.
Location: my practice, Mattenhof 2, 8051 Zurich
Registration by the beginning of the autumn semester and times TBA: [email protected]
+41 (0)43 344 9793
6 Double hours
12 Diploma Candidates
Wir betrachten die Psychodynamik des Falles auch als eine Reflexion der Gruppendynamik in der Supervisionsgruppe. Wir werden verschiedene spielerische Methoden anwenden und ihre symbolische Bedeutung analysieren. Sandspiel-Prozesse sind ebenfalls willkommen, die Gruppensupervision ist auch von ISST anerkannt.
Ort: meine Praxis, Mattenhof 2, 8051 Zürich
Registrierung (bis Beginn des Herbstsemesters) sowie Vereinbarung der Zeiten:
[email protected]
+41 (0) 43 344 9793
6 Doppelstunden
12 Diplomkandidaten
See the Training Regulations for the detailed provisions: Candidates have the possibility to count a minimum of 20 hours and maximum 30 hours of separate and parallel expressive therapy toward their regular training analysis, provided that both the Training Analyst and the analyst for expressive therapy are informed. All credited hours must be completed with only one of the analysts and with one type of expressive therapy, as listed below.
Für die detaillierten Bestimmungen siehe das Ausbildungsregulativ Kandidat/innen können sich Minimum 20 bis Maximum 30 Stunden separater und paralleler Ausdruckstherapie auf die reguläre Lehranalyse anrechnen lassen, vorausgesetzt dass Lehranalytiker als auch Analytiker für Ausdruckstherapie informiert sind. Alle angerechneten Stunden dürfen nur bei einem der unten aufgeführten Analytiker und Therapieform absolviert werden.
Extensive practical experience in the use of art and other forms of artistic expression in a therapeutic setting.
10 weekly meetings arranged for the semester at our first meeting. A continuation of 10 weekly meetings is planned for next semester
8 Training and Diploma Candidates
Maria Anna Bernasconi
Expressive Arts Therapy (ISIS)
Kunst- und Ausdrucksorientierte Psychotherapie (ISIS)
Marco Della Chiesa
John Hill
Fairy Tale Enactment, Psychodrama
Märcheninszenierung, Psychodrama
Dominique Lepori
Sandplay Therapy
Verena Osterwalder-Bollag
Therapeutic Sandplay (D. Kalff)
Therapeutisches Sandspiel nach D. Kalff
Christa Robinson
Group Processes Using the I Ching
Gruppenprozesse mit dem I Ging
Erhard Trittibach
Therapeutic Sandplay (D. Kalff)
Therapeutisches Sandspiel nach D. Kalff
Joanne Wieland-Burston
Active Imagining with Objects
Aktives Imaginieren mit Gegenständen